Unusual iatrogenic foreign body in a nose: A case report


Murat Salihoglu, Berkay Tolga Suer, Caglar Calli, Ercan Pinar, Onuralp Kurt

Foreign bodies in the nose are common in children, but are rarely found in adults. In this case, a 34-year-old male was admitted to our clinic with complaints of nasal obstruction, halitosis and foul-smelling purulent nasal discharge. History of the patient revealed a septoplasty procedure completed about one year ago. Anterior rhinoscopy and nasal endoscopic examination of the patient revealed that both nasal cavities were filled with foreign bodies. After the removal of these materials, the foreign bodies were identified as rhinolith particles with 2x5cm X-ray film cut-out sheets embedded within. We thought the X-ray film sheets were used for nasal packing following the previous septoplasty. The X-ray film sheets had eventually become rhinoliths over time. It is not clear why the packing was retained for such a long duration. As demonstrated by this case report, postoperative follow-up after septoplasty is important, and iatrogenic foreign bodies should be considered in the differential diagnosis of an adult patient with rhinolithiasis.