13th World Congress on Pediatrics, Neonatology and Pediatric Surgery

Awards 2020 - Archives of Clinical and Experimental Surgery (2021)

13th World Congress on Pediatrics, Neonatology and Pediatric Surgery

Said Moustafa M Eldeib*
1Pediatrician and Neonatologist, Pediatrics, NMC Healthcare Group, UAE
*Corresponding Author:

Said Moustafa M Eldeib, Pediatrician and Neonatologist, Pediatrics, NMC Healthcare Group, UAE, Email:

Published: 30-Apr-2021



Serving our Pediatrics through Exemplary Health Care

We are delighted to announce our “13th World Congress on Pediatrics, Neonatology and Pediatric Surgery”, to be hosted in Zagreb, Croatia from May 13-14, 2020, working with the theme: Exploring new standards and latest strategies in Pediatric Surgery.

Euro Pediatric Surgery 2020 conference acts as a forum for the aggregation of all scientists working in the field to develop new ideas aimed at creating a future in a modern pediatric world of sustainable pediatric medicine & neonatal surgery, in recognition of outstanding contributions to international studies, Conference Series LLC Ltd.

Awards Announcement:

Euro Pediatric Surgery 2020 offers multiple awards. Those awards have such competitions that include various boards, selection criteria and submission deadlines. The best keynote speaker award, outstanding speaker award, best organizing committee member award, and excellent master's/PhD/postdoc thesis work award, and best poster award are recognized.

You can nominate online for these awards yourself or any other worthy nominee, which would meet the eligibility criteria. Look at the Euro Pediatric Surgery award categories:

Scientific Service Achievement Award: The qualification criterion for this award is that in the area of Pediatrics, Neonatologists, and Pediatric Surgery, etc., one should have less than 20 + long periods of skill in the public and private divisions.

Research Contribution Award: For more than 10 years, specialists with medical research expertise in both the public and private sectors.

The Upcoming Researcher Award: Scholar Level Award for young scientists, physicians and specialists with 10 + years of research experience in medical fields.

Women Scientist Award: Women scholars and scientific experts from different universities or with 10 + years of experience in clinical and medical research.

Outstanding Speaker: Appreciation for those who express their projects and/or strategies and/or plans to improve long-term success in education.

Best Keynote Speaker: This award recognizes the best keynote speaker to discuss their work, approaches to promote good medical excellence.

Best Poster Presentation: This award acknowledges individuals who have shown their excellent work and results for an imaginative future from poster presenters. The award winners are considered to be the Best Poster Presenter of the event.

Outstanding Thesis Work Presentation: This award honor individuals who in the early stages of their careers have already made significant contributions to the field of information systems.